Elks Pulse Weekly 11/3 - 11/9

November's Charity of the Month
Lancaster County Food Hub
We will provide weekly updates on this month's progress
October's Charity of the Month
Lancaster Public Library
Donations for October 2024 - $128.74
Percentage of tabs rounded up – 3.27%
Thank you, members, for supporting the Roundup for Charity initiative.
Monday, November 4th
Reminder! Veteran's Day Dinner reservations are due by Noon - email veteranscommittee134@gmail.com
Thursday, November 7th
Lodge Meeting
7:00 PM - All members are encouraged to attend!
Please note - The kitchen and the Bar/Social areas will be closed while the meeting is in session.
Saturday, November 9th
There is not any musical entertainment
There was an error in the Call this month. SchnAZZY is scheduled to entertain us on December 7th.