Elks Pulse Weekly 3/23/25

11th Annual Inaugural dinner and $10, 000 Reverse Raffle. Email Jeannie or Andy Strevig @ lancaster10kevent@gmail.com

2025-2026 Lodge Dues


NOTE: After payment, it takes approximately 1 week before your new membership card is ready.

 Due Date: Dues must be paid by March 31st, Lodge year starts April 1st.

  Notices: Will be mailed to you.

 Payment Options:

 1.    By Check:

    • Write checks to 'BPOE 134.'
    • Include the dues notice stub.
    • Mail or drop in the secretary’s mailbox at the lodge's front hall.

2.    By Cash:

    • Place cash in an envelope with the dues notice stub.
    • Mail or leave in the secretary’s mailbox at the lodge.

3.    Online with Credit Card via Revopay:

4.    Via My Elks App:

 NOTE: Dues cannot be accepted at the bar.

Your continued Membership - Lancaster Elks Lodge #134

 With the new Lodge years dues payments soon required, it is our sincerest hope that you renew your dues and remain an active Member of our Lodge and continue to take part in all your lodge has to offer. However, we understand that there may be circumstances that could affect that decision. We want to make you aware of some options in case you have a change of heart in the future.

 Should any of these circumstances arise and you no longer wish to be an Elk, you may “resign” by requesting an Absolute Dimit, in writing (see link below), in a timely manner prior to March 31st. If, as of April 1st you have not paid dues for 2025/26 you become a delinquent member and cannot request any Dimit until your dues are paid for that current lodge year.

 In either circumstance (resignation or delinquent), You become an unaffiliated Elk and will lose all access to the Lodge and will be prohibited from entering, even as a guest

 NOTE: One exception, if both you and your spouse are members and one of you does not wish to renew your membership than you must let the lodge know in writing prior to March 31st to avoid becoming a delinquent member (access to the lodge is denied to any delinquent member). The remaining member may then request a spouse identification card.

 If you have moved and wish to continue being an Elk but wish to join the Lodge in whose jurisdiction you now reside in, you may request, in writing, a Transfer Dimit so long as this is completed in a timely manner to allow for processing before the end of the Lodge year on March 31st.

 All requests must be in writing and sent to the Lodge Secretary or placed in the Lodge Secretary Mailbox. Please be sure to include your full name and member number. Please see the attached form if you would like to Dimit (no longer be a member).

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