Elks Pulse Weekly - November 10th, 2024

Thursday, November 14th
Kitchen is Open for Dinner
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM - All members encouraged to attend!
Friday, November 15th
Memorial Christmas Ornaments Deadline
Get your Memorial Christmas Ornaments order form(s) into the Bartenders by the end of the day. Download the order form below.
Saturday, November 16th
Empire Lounge is CLOSED
Trivia with Cheaters Never Prosper
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Charity of the Month
Lancaster County Food Hub
Donations to date - November 2024 - $13.60
Percentage of tabs rounded up – 1.59%
The Lodge Will be CLOSED on Thanksgiving
Elks Annual Memorial Service
Please mark your calendars to join us for our annual Elks Memorial Service, a solemn event to honor and remember our departed brothers and sisters. This service is a time-honored tradition, a moment to reflect on the lives of our fellow Elks who have passed and to pay tribute to their contributions and legacy within our Lodge. Let’s show our guest speaker, Judge Jeffery Wright, how much Elks care by having a great turnout.