Weekly Updates 7/3/2024

Wednesday, July 3rd
Cancelled - House Committee Meeting
Thursday, July 4th
Happy Independance Day - The Lodge is Closed. Therefore, there will not be a Lodge Meeting
Friday, July 5th
Empire Lounge/Speakeasy
Opens @ 5:00 PM
Saturday, June 29th
Elks Riders
Kickstands up @ 11amThe Elks Riders are headed to the Jigger Shop (202 Gettysburg Ave, Mount Gretna, PA 17064). From there they will be headed to the Ephrata/Reading Lodge for some Elks fellowship. Kickstands Up (KSU) about 11:00 AM. The ride may take about 4 hours hitting both stops. Feel free to follow or meet them at either of these locations.
Empire Lounge/Speakeasy
Opens @ 5:00 PM
Queen of Hearts
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Registration
8:00 PM - Drawing
Sunday, June 23rd
Bar Bingo
Bar Bingo starts at 3:00 PM
Looking Ahead
The Charity Committee is supporting the Lancaster Food Hub’s clothing bank with a 'Christmas in July' coat and winter clothing drive. A box for donations will be placed on the stage for collections starting next week. See attached Flyer for more details.